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Affirmations ll

You know, those positive statements, maybe on a 3x5 card, you may have magnetized to your refrigerator door, or wedged in the corner of your bathroom mirror, or on your desk, in your wallet or purse that represent your unrealized goals and desires you desire to be realized.

Have you ever had an affirmation that you constantly bumped into and or repeated that sounded something like, "I AM SURROUNDED WITH FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY," only to find yourself in the financial dumper more often than you care to remember? Or how about, "I AM TRIM AND FIRM IN MY IDEAL WEIGHT, EASILY" only to have lived a good part of your life battling the bulge and frustration? Or, how about,"PEACE, PATIENCE, UNDERSTANDING AND JOY ARE MY CONSTANT COMPANIONS" only to find yourself going from one cockamamie turmoil to another? Or, "I AM IN MY IDEAL SOUL-MATE RELATIONSHIP" only to find yourself in the company of YAHOOS AND DINGBATS too much of the time?

Here is something you may want to ponder when the reality of your favorite affirmation. Your unrealized goal and desire) seems to be forever somewhere off in the wild blue yonder.

Get this:

The reason affirmations do not work when they do not work is because there is no power in an affirmation. The power is in the feeling you have about what you are affirming. If you affirm, "I AM SURROUNDED WITH FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY" and your feelings are saying, "NO WAY JOSE!" you are actually affirming the unlikelihood of you ever being surrounded by financial abundance and prosperity. And every time you remember or recite an affirmation that you really feel suspicious and doubtful about ever attaining, your affirmation of not attaining is easily attained by not attaining. Huh? Yup, "it," As the energy of what you feel that becomes real, not what you say, or announce, or state, or repeat. That "As" why some goals and aspirations remain unrealized goals and aspirations.

So, in a sense, affirmations work even when they seem not to work. Disbelief about affirmations is a belief, and beliefs become reality.

  • Believe that you can and you will.
  • Believe that you wont and you wont. It is academic. You heard that a gazillion times before.
  • Believe that you are just a human being subject to human foibles and shortcomings and you will have human experiences that include, problems, loneliness, cramps, jealousy, self-criticism, anger, conflicts, concerns, colds, pimples, fear, lack, pimples, frustration, stress, anxiety, stifled creativity, and foods that you believe will make you fat.... and you do.
  • Believe you are a unique expression of God with godlike qualities and it is not possible to be stuck, frustrated, or unfulfilled in any area of your life. You become one of the privileged to have creative ideas and see socko opportunities that are unavailable to the narrow-minded.

However, just by saying over and over again you believe something does not make you a believer. Just by saying over and over again;

"I AM GREATER IN CONSCIOUSNESS THAN ANY IDEA OF FEAR OR LIMITATION" does not make you express your godlike nature to the optimum. You gotta really believe that what you are saying over and over supports the idea that nothing less than the infinite power of God is alive and kicking in you, so therefore you must be greater in consciousness than any idea of fear or limitation. Anything less than that realization is UNTRUE and makes you just human and a candidate for finite yuck, to some degree.

Remember; until you reach the full and complete realization that nothing less than the infinite power of God is in constant expression by means of you, where you are free to live your life out of your highest ideals doing and being what you love to do and be in the most delicious, delightful and prosperous way, without even are in the process of achieving the full and complete realization that nothing less than the infinite power of God is in constant expression by means of you, where you are free to live your life out of your highest ideals doing and being what you love to do and be in the most delicious, delightful and prosperous way, without even trying. And you are where you are. You are in process. The thing that will accelerate the process and free you from being just human with the less than desirable human stuff is your conviction that


Here is your assignment:
With a ball point pen, draw a happy face on the inside of your thumb. Two dots for the eyes, a smile for the mouth.

Look at your thumb and with as much conviction as you can muster, ;
affirm the following;



During the course of the day as you glance at your thumb with the happy face on it, and because you are choosing to reflect on your godlike nature, you will trigger a memory that has awesome implications. YOU BEING GREATER IN CONSCIOUSNESS THAN ANY IDEA OF FEAR OR LIMITATION, and have that consideration become more and more convincing to you. This series of columns is designed to help expand your mindedness beyond the finite into the infinite. If infinite seems a bit much to believe, then for now, how about......less finite?

Should you accept this assignment, do not be surprised to find yourself drawn more and more to ideas, opportunities, experiences, and situations that are contrary to human type mish-mosh and yuck. As a matter of fact, you can expect it. Wanna bet?

Be sure to consciously affirm the affirmation,
I AM GREATER IN CONSCIOUSNESS THAN ANY IDEA OF FEAR OR LIMITATION, often and every time you replace a fading happy face on your thumb.

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