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The Last Minute
A very good friend of mine whose name is anonymous once said, "If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done." When I heard that, my first thoughts were how true and accurate that is. How many times, have you done things at the last minute? I know I have countless number of times.
It's at the last minute; we often do what's important, and leave behind what isn't vital or immediate. We often put things aside, because we have a deadline to meet. It seems that when we do things at the last minute, we somehow have a second burst of energy to complete what we're doing. Yes, The last minute is a very important time in our life, because it's the time we think we're rushing, but actually we're really not. This article is written at the last minute, but I'm not rushing.
In essence, the last minute is always the present moment. Regardless of how you look at it, God is always present in every last minute. When you invite God into your last minute situation, there's no rush, no hassle, no hurry. What needs to get done will be done, on time and in the right manner.
When you feel your faced with a last minute crises, stop and invite God into the situation. Take a moment, close your eyes take a deep breath and say an affirmation like; "It's not my will, but thy will which will get this done." Give thanks for the moment, then let go and let God be God in whatever your last minute predicament is. When you do this, your last minute will become your first and best minute you'll ever experience. Have a wonderful and blessed week.
Peace & Blessings,
Thomas Gordy UPONLINE@aol.com
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