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Fun Through The Rain
When problems assail you - just run through the rain
Knowing that the sun will shine bright again ---
Don't give up because the journey's too hard
Look up to Jesus and give your load to the Lord
For He's ever mindful of all you go through
He'll never forget, leave or forsake you ---
He promised to comfort, to counsel and care
Even when everyone else isn't there ----
So, when life turns to the dark side - Instead
Of walking in fear and living in dread ---
Remember God's wisdom - for reasons, His
And sometimes the rain is all part of this
Rain can hide teardrops that cannot be stopped
Lightning can temporarily cause guards to drop
Thunder can cover the din in our ears ---
Windy days move us along through our fears
Sunshine is wonderful - blue skies ahead
Rain often fills us with unimaginable dread
But sunshine can lead us to lean on ourselves
Rain usually sends us to One who can help ---
Yes, all of us long for unending bliss ---
To run through the rain, and escape all of this!!
But the times we'll remember came from RAIN
And were sealed with God's kiss .......
©2001 Dorothy Womack
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© Copyright Gail R. Mitchell..
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