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Memories are things that have happened in our lives
We cannot go back to change them
Some are good memories some are bad
We cling to them forever in our minds
We need to let go, and go on with our life
Jesus said to follow him, leave everything behind
There is more to life then the struggles of everyday living
Things we have worked for and cherished are worth nothing.
We must say goodbye to life as we knew it
Embrace a new reality with tough times and uncertainty.
We must have peace, joy in our hearts and be free
We must give it all to God and continue
the journey he has laid before us
Memories that consume us and take our time
which belongs to God
As long as we cling to memories, security,
we can not respond to God's call for our life
Lord I ask you to help me to let go of the
memories and follow you.
Old things will be left in the past and let go
Today will be fresh and new in my mind
A new beginning fresh as new fallen snow.
Copyrighted By Carolyn Haynali
Carolyn Haynali Founder & Spokesperson Caregivers Army
Alzheimer's Petition: http://www.caregiversarmy.org/petition/petition.shtml
e-mail carladydove1@juno.com
Carolyn's Web Site:
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