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Three Poems By Dorothy Womack
There's a sadness in my face
That I cannot seem to erase ---
I know you're leaving me
And it's very hard, you see ----
I miss those times we shared
When life was newer - There
Were fewer days of woe
And many more of joy ---
We lose a little every day
Of what we hold - we throw away
Each minute passes, only once
Opportunities lost by chance ---
Memories can keep much longer though ---
Spirits live on and life still flows ---
Whatever comes - I stand prepared
For what shall be - I am aware ---
So I kiss your face and say goodbye
My eyes shed tears and my heart cries
No turning back is meant to be ----
You belong to God ----
No longer to me......
c2000 Dorothy Womack
Sorry to hear about your loss
What a devastating cross ---
To have loved ones disappear
Leaving you, upon earth, here
To figure out just what comes now
Adjusting to this world, somehow...
Without them close - Beside you still
But always found within God's will
You do not walk, or stand alone
God sees you from His Shining Throne
He will lead and guide you along
In the Midnight Hour, grant you a song
Assurance will come - Peace will reign
Because you believe and trust His Name
And those who've gone on ahead of you
Are patiently waiting yet to view
YOU, when you arrive on Golden Shores
To weep and grieve - Nevermore!!
The tears you've shed from their demise
God has wiped them and dried your eyes ---
So you can rejoice and rest in this
God has promised - Eternal Life is His
It's now your own - In Christ, you see
Your loved ones are not memories!!
But living - breathing - immortal souls
They just went sooner than you could go ---
Remember, God is always here --
Not only wiping - But erasing your tears!!
c2000 Dorothy Womack
Gently blows the wind through the trees
Softly rustling the leaves in the breeze
Remember, God is Spirit and Wind
Sometimes this is how we find Him ---
When our minds are still and our thoughts quiet ---
He comes to us in the middle of the night
On soft whispers and wings of a dove
He imparts His unconditional love ---
To those who are broken, tormented in soul
He offers them pardon and shows His control
O'er all that befalls us - Nought is forgot
He's mindful of everything that is our lot
In this life - He enters where hope has grown dim
He restores our faith, and full trust in Him
So, when you feel down, forsaken and low
Listen for His Spirit in the breezes which blow ---
For often, soft whispers aren't heard in the day
When thoughts and distractions oft get in our way ---
But you can still find Him to meet every need
Whispers are softer when they're borne on the breeze -----
c2000 Dorothy Womack
E-Mail: womack@tennessee.com
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